Tsar Nicholas II - digital collage using my photos from St Petersburg, Russia

Tsar Nicholas II - digital collage using my photos showing the gates of the Winter Palace in St Petersburg, Russia

Yusupov Family - showing Felix Yusupov and his mother

Yusupov Family - showing Prince Felix Yusupov and his mother, Zinaida alongside their palace in St Petersburg, Russia

Emperor Maximilian and the Golden Roof - digital collage using my photos from Innsbruck

Emperor Maximilian and the Golden Roof - digital collage using my photos from Innsbruck, Austria

Prehistoric Moravia - this collage used photos of fossils I took at the Moravian Museum in Brno, Czech Republic to show the rich prehistoric past of the region of Moravia including models of pterosaurs

Catholic Brno - using my own photography from Brno, Moravia, Czech Republic to show the city’s range of religious architecture, statues and monuments

Romanov Easter Egg - using my own photos from the Faberge Museum, St Petersburg for this digital collage

Romanov Egg - using photo of Faberge egg and the Russian imperial family

Romanov Egg - using photo of Faberge egg and the Russian imperial family

Carboniferous forest - using photos from a diorama

Carboniferous forest - using photos from a diorama at the Vienna Natural History Museum

St Thomas Becket - my own photos of alabaster reliefs (originally part of an altarpiece) depicting the life of St Thomas Becket including his martyrdom

St Cuthbert - celebrating the Anglo-Saxon saint using a mosaic of him from Westminster Cathedral and an illuminated manuscript image of his incorrupt body

Our Lady of Westminster & the Angels - photos taken from King’s College Chapel and Westminster Cathedral